Many bright minds mean more safety.
Whether you're old or young, a driver or a jogger: we can all play our part in ensuring greater visibility and safety on the road. Learn here how other people are easily integrating practical visibility and safety measures into their daily lives.
Lights are fun.
When I play outdoors with my friends, I like to wear neon-coloured clothing. It makes me more visible and safer.
I play it safe – even when I’m cycling.
I like to ride my bike to school. When I’m cycling, I always have my high-visibility vest, my reflectors and my bike lights.
The easiest trick: 360° visibility.
The right kit is important for skateboarding. And of course, that includes reflectors.
Safety is vital to us.
On our evening jogs, both me and my dog Rocky are easy to spot.
Reflectors are more important than gold medals.
I’m the fastest marathon runner in Switzerland. But to me, it’s not just my performance that’s important – it’s also that I’m always safe when I train.
You can help me to see you early.
You can help me by making sure you’re easily visible, especially when it’s dusk or already dark.